Sunday, July 02, 2006

Superman Returns

right. i watched this movie with a bunch of guys at GSC Summit.
The sound effect is very impressive, the visual effect is very impressive.
Uh.. but seriously, there's kinda few obvious mistake appeared in the movie too.
So, Juin Nik said Brandon Routh is his idol, so better not comment anything about him larh, he got the classic look of the superman, which is good.
Uh.. Still Lex Luthor is not scary, at all.
He's old, he's bald, he can't fight. Seriously, he's not that harmful as the other superheroes movies villains.
He's just a guy jiggling around and talk lame jokes.

Justin said it is so worth it to watch, as Sing Kwan said it's not ( although he's didn't joined us that day ) Nicholas kept laughing all the time, both right time and serious time, and Julian almost aslept.

This is the commercial that Brandon Routh took with his superman suit on.

Alrighty guys, concentrate on his curly hair thingy at his forehead. That's the part i concerned the most in this movie. It almost makes me laugh my hell out. And i think he's using Brylcream !

That's why i conclude that :

He's using Brylcream Strong Gel ! Still Standing? Still Standing.

Look at Brandon when he's not yet a Superman.

Here's the funny thing,there's one scene where Superman has to run into the lift and get changed. As the lift closed he just fly upwards without thinking that he's going to knock his head to the ceiling of the lift and he just ripped of his formal working suit and TADA ! The suit is inside, WITH THE CLOAK ! WITH THE BOOTS !What the heck ?

And and and, try to check his Superman suit see whether there's a hidden zip over there. Cause :

Scenario 1 : Superman is facing a bank robber that blast off a lot of patrol cars with a nice machine gun , but when the robber shot Superman's chest with the gun, it appears that Superman's suit was kinda bulletproof so nothing hapen to him, and his suit.

Scenario 2 : He's killed (killed ?!) by the useless Lex Luthor, and he's sent to the hospital. As the doctor is trying his best to save him, the doctor has to take of his suit and pump his heart. So the doctor was just like gentally "unzipped"take off(or ripped i shall say) his suit and tada ! the suit has been taken off"ripped".

So, at one side, even bullets (machine guns bullet ) can't pass thru the suit, and in another side, the doctor just ripped it like (snap) that ! WHAT A POWERFUL DOCTOR !

Oh ya ya and and and, Superman's cloak is waterproof.

So, this movie is stunning and it LMAO.
