Random Pics
Din post pictures for such a long time dy. Woohoo.
This is what those people will do when they finished their Physics experiment too early but not allowed to go out makan or DotA.

I named it Meter Rule Pyramid. Cool?

(which is me, juz to let you know if you don't)
Music Club limited edition T-Shirt.
and this is what Malaysian Mini Bus Drivers call " 9 orang berdiri "
And lastly a fries smileys done by friction's.
Smile Always !
why is our lovely backs doing there??? (!!)... oh btw.. isn't that alvin? ( 1st pic)
sexyback -justin Timbatasik. LOL.
well yeah, that's alvin, he's my classmate
ur classmate?? Oooo... he got beaten by my classmate for the top model thing... haha.. but i think he deserves it more than my friend.... shhhhh! hahaha.. i jadi traitor here.. keke
oh ya. Cletus izzit. Oh well traitor.
Nolar... Min Ern... Cletus didn't join... Cletus from terese's class wan. Anyway, if Cletus join... sure win wan ... hahah.. if ppl didn't vote from him... they are blind... lol
huh? which is which?
Min ern is the top model and he's from my class.u duno meh? he's in cletus's band also.... he's the drummer..
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