Monday, August 13, 2007

One of these days.

Oh, Yorsh's new song rocks.
I am glad I was there listening to it.

Then just now Singass, Yorsh, HungWei and I went for dinner somewhere around Sunway, a place called Buffalo Steakhouse, where they sell Fish and Chips under 10 dollars.

Yes I gone crazy over it cause I am broke-ing.
Anyway, so while we're ordering food, I just told the lady the number code for the food I'm ordering,
and I goes :" kak, saya nak D9."

So the kakak was blur and asked,
"Adik boleh bagi nama tak, kakak nak tau nama."

"Oh. Felix Saw."

Okay, I am not that stupid that I don't know what the lady meant, I am just fooling around, but it's funny to mention, the lady is freaked out thought that there's new dishes added into the menu without acknowledgment.


Ah, time are running out for we people to hang out more eh.
Feel like it was just yesterday we were still
complaining about the time running out for us to study and stuff.

That 1 year plus was great.

Good times.
Good times.

Wake me up when September ends. =)


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