Thursday, August 07, 2008

Jason Mraz overdose.

Shibimama was telling me say,

one more "Do you hear me, I'm talking to you"
and I'll $@!@@#$%$#%^%$^&8.

Yes, I'm Jason Mraz overdosed.

The latest album was really power. It's really rare that I like almost all the songs in one artist's album. So this is a worth-listen-one.

Among 5 person, 3 finds "Details in the Fabric", weird. The 2 left that actually loves it is me and my imaginary friend.

No lah, it's my brother. And he likes it just because I played it a gazillion times beside his ears all the time. And the rest of the songs are averagely good too. You might think that I'm Yours is overrated, but hey, no one mentioned about it when it was listed in the previous album. And now you'll ask, what, it was in the previous album before? yes.

I am really run out of time, the 4th week of September is coming. And the works are starting to pile up.

Building Construction's model building, Building Services stupid site research, and stacking up History and Visual Comm. The craziness is coming soon.

right, work.

Currently listening to : Jason Mraz - If It Kills Me


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