Time of your life
I am now back, took a half-an-hour break.
Dad's DSLR sucks big time, don't know what's his problem, stupid flash keep on blinking blinking but the shutter just won't go *click*
-3 hours later-
I'm now back, for real, 3 hours ago, I was blogging half way, belum mandi, Mum called and summoned me back fetch people to the bridegroom's house already. So yes, drove here drove there here there here there and I'm now exhausted, fully, exhausted.
In all, I'm not really that much of a photographer that night, last night, more like a, maid. Following people here and there, lost don't know what and who to take, shots were kind of random and don't really have a focus [except for those close shots demanded by the bride or anyone else, the rest are basically filled with heads that I have no idea who they are.], and that stupid flash, stupid stupid DSLR won't cooperate with me properly. So I kind off half-screwed up lah last night.
This morning, I thought I was that smart, I brought my Canon Isus instead, and dad scolded me for not bringing his awesome DSLR, which I, fromnowonhateittothemax. He should really try to be an event photographer with his stupid-wont-work-properly-flash, taking pictures in the night. Well I end up had my mum rushed home and brought it there because I didn't know there are 60++ people wanted to take a photo together, [family photo] YES, such a big family. Well I prefered what I took today than last night, last night was a disaster.
So few pig-chures here
yes took me 3 days to edit this lame post, stupid blogspot. -__-#
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