Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gee My oh.

Went around One U to spot for mum's present.
Ended up bought mum a mp3 player that cost me a lil'bit.

Half an hour before the money went kachinged, I smsed my sis, consulting her about this idea.
Was planning to put all those songs that mum loved, those Carpenters and Beatles, into the mp3 player before brother pass it to her during ChengBeng weekends, which is next week.

So sis didn't really reply my message, ended up bought the mp3 player.
Was quite happy with it actually until sis msn-ed me and say

xilef says:
got my msg one anot

mINiMinT says:

xilef says:
.....brought ady loh.

mINiMinT says:
i think its a very dumb idea

yeah so she was suggesting Iron Steamer.
So now the mp3 player goes into my pocket, when I don't really want it.

Wasted my money, meh meh meh,
Now my Maybank Account is more sadder than before already. =(

mINiMinT says:
mINiMinT says:
we give mom the mp3
mINiMinT says:
iron on mother's day?
xilef says:
also can.

yes lah yes lah -_-


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