you're on my planet. aiman hahahahahaha.
okay no.
well I'm blogging during work, again. Finally done with the Signages Detailed Drawings, you should look at the amount of A3 I've printed, because of my own mistakes here and there zomg, yes, sepokok pokok just died, right, there. I am so sorry Doris the environmentalis ( yay it rhymes ) So for now I've got another work to do, the design proposal for some student residential flat. Just gone through a quick crit with daboss, the macro part are almost done, a lil'bit amendment here and there, and off we go to the micro, where all the ventilation, views, location of OKU rooms, UBBL for staircases, lifts, corridors and yeah all those shits.
You wait lah Mentari or Ridzuan, wait till you see mine mohahahaha.
On a lighter note, well, no, heavier, note.
Called home last night and chatted with mum and biri for an hour plus. yes,biri. Mum literally asked biri to sit on her lap and bark through the phone. I can hear mum saying "biri lai, laiiii."" Talk to a tat, lai" Too bad he didn't, he licked the phone instead. And yeah the one hour conversation ended at that part, without a proper bye where mum shouted through phone telling me what happened and hung up right after that.

Oh gosh I missed my dog more than my grandma, ridiculous I know.
BUT, MUM AND DAD'S COMING TO KL YAY. They will be here at 3rd of July, which is this coming friday. Then they will meet up with Sean, (SEAN!) at the airport then together off they go to the oh-kononnya-tak-ada-AH1N1-UK to attend Hui's convocation soon. I believe some of you should be laughing at me right now. Speaking of awesome timing, 3rd of July is the first day of DATUM, which I will be out, whole, day. ASS. I sort of forced mum and dad not to sleep that night and teman me at least for that few hours before sending them off to the airport. And I think they are bringing the Wira, I think. (Douglas, read this line again.)

this bitch, just came back from Turkey, ALONE, and dumped all these awesomely-menggeramkan-pictures on facebook. Apparently she's traveling to Germany some time after the convocation, alone, again. RICH BITCH GIMME YOUR IPOD.

Fear meh.
- Siti Aiman Hanan Abdulkarimeesayasukabermandimandadisunwaylagoonbasahlama.
okay. well remember I showed you guys about Kantoi? It was random and yup here you go
*throw* a male version of Kantoi. I've twisted the lyrics a bit, Tommy to Sherry, tengok bola to OT kerja. FEARRR MEHHHHHHH. Oh and i get to sing along with Zee Avi. Got very jealous anot.
and now guess how long I've spent throughout my working hours today blogging. -__-