Wednesday, June 02, 2010


maybe I should pick up a skill. a non-architecturally-related skill.
maybe it's time to dig out that water color set, hidden deeeeeeeep inside the closet, the colors are all dried out, and I felt terrible for neglecting them.

Anyway hi and ho people, when I'm back means crit's over means studio 3 is over means I am one semester away from completing Diploma. So, studio 3's over, I am happy with the outcome of the project. Since the shrine project, till the site analysis, till the interim and finals and external crits. I've made, a lotsa mistakes. It's by far the most challenging studio for me. Everything happened too fast that the moment I discovered my mistake, or a solution, it's always a minute too late.
I was once lost in searching the right identity for the building, and hell I was lost for a longgggggggggg time. Trying too hard to make the building pretty, trying too hard to find a perfect form, a great concept and what's left behind? The true identity of a religious building, and what a religious building really need. The crit likes everything, but it's just not, a Hindu temple. One sentence, and that's how I (supposedly) failed, as an architect, as a designer.

Consulted a senior about my stuff before, and the way he started the planning is not what I've expected. He started off writing a lot, pointing out the importance and stuff, then from there he moved on to some diagrams, then I looked back to my sketchbook with all plain scribbles of curves and curves and curves, from page 1-24 it's all almost the same thing.Effort spent in 5 weeks scribbling shits has been easily defeated by a 15 minutes diagramming and planning. I TKO-ed.

I need to learn, how to structure a design.
And I hope by interning, I can somewhat pickup different methods approaching a design.

Trip to UKM tomorrow,PAM Camp in less than 15 days. Interning after that.I need to make my holidays worthwhile.


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