Sunday, September 05, 2010


yes, it runs in the family.

G'day mate. After months of sleeping in this room, you know, the new house, the shoplot and that room without any openings, for months, I'm finally feeling the freakiness of it. Sitting in this enclosed room, I'm like totally out of contact with the world already, (well not exactly, i've got wimax hehehe. ) every night I sleep at 2, and wake up at 9 or 10 in the morning. and today, I woke up at 1. How awesome is that.

So the ultimate PE4 gathering, V2.0, The Return of Melatigogo AKA Farah has finally came true, thanks to Ming. It takes a gazeeboom amount of facebook emails for me to get everyone come together, got to arrange transport, got to ask him to fetch her to do this do that ; as for Ming, it's just one simple text, and damn everyone just gathered up on time, and sembanged the night away. It was a rather great night actually, finally get to see everyone, especially Keat, after the MIA season. And well ahem, apparently we're meeting up again next week, and apparently I have to pick up Farah, IN HER JUNGLE TO MY ULTIMATE KING KONG BALLS HORRORNESS.

frigging cibs, right.

Okay I don't know how this happened, but in 2 weeks time I am going on a trip to Saigon, Vietnam.It was a rather quick decision, and I am very surprised mum and dad are cool with it.
A thousand bucks for a 4d3n trip about food and architecture. I am personally psyched up about it. I hope it's all worth it, yeah Alina. Speaking of trips, aunt has finally gone to China the day after she retire, which was yesterday. If you checked out my facebook, I've uploaded a picture of all the gifts she has received on that day itself. Like the caption says I've never seen so many gifts in my life before, piled up in front of my eyes filled up the whole living room ( living room pft.) ranging from cards, to a friggin LCD TV. I wanna retire everyday lol.

so yeah, I have to start typing industrial training report wtf.

and oh more more thing.
Dear fatimah, what have I done to you?



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