Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Farts, smell it
typing a special post for you babe.
-We shared the same age, same horoscope with few days apart.
-She's turning 18 soon.
-She stays at Kepong too.
-I hate the road on the way to her house, freaks the hell out of Yuan and I once.
-Her hometown is Perlis too, suprisingly.
-She used to learn chinese but she already forgotten how to speak and write it.
-She wrote "4" in chinese, with 4 horizontal strokes.
-She's a ex-cheer leading leader that only have the fate of lifting people but not get lifted, I wonder why weh.
-She used to have the same hairstyle like my sis, the singapore-merlion-bizarre-big-hair which she might be "ah!"-ing seeing me comment her ex-hairstyle this way.
-She look nice with her long straight hair.
-She look nice in long skirt.
-She can bake. No shit.
-She always worried about her own fringes.
-Shopping drove her crazy ( it drove every girls crazy don't it? )
-She always drag me to go buy food with her.
-She's the person that told me what a wonderful voice Josh Kelleys have.
-I'm the person that told her how sad "Wreck of the Day" is,with Anna Nalick's perfect voice.
-"How Could An Angel break my heart" We loved the song.
-She called me babi and always reminds me how lame I can be, pulled me back before I manage to freeze my fellow classmates with those lame jokes.
-She's one of the sitting-at-the-back gang with her seat fixed--the left corner seat from the teacher's view.
-A light "ah!"after coming out with the bimboistic-w-t-f expression and the left hand touching the center of the chest is what she did best, for me.
-She had the Fatimah look, no wonder Yusnie called her that way.
-She's not fat, it's just bigger figure. I quote.
-Mrs Grace's nuisance
-Yusnie's fats
-Sing Kwan's pimp
-My fatso.

Labels: farah
Friday, February 23, 2007

Just watched it just now. I am damn impressed. Not to say their marvellous voices but too their acting skills. Jennifer Hudson really deserve those awards she got. Everything in this movie is good. I loves it a lot.
Dreamgirls is a Broadway Musical, which opened on 20 December 1981 at the Imperial Theatre on Broadway. The musical ran for four years and 1,522 performances, and won six 1982 Tony Awards. It's basically about 3 young women who dreams and became Superstars but sacrifices has made to reach there.
Starring Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Beyoncé Knowles, Jennifer Hudson and Anika Noni Rose. The song they've sang, the harmony they've made is so wonderful. Very broadway-ish though true it's broadway, but the expression and feeling they've spilled is the main thing we have to see and listen through those wonderful voices. The song "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going" sang by Effie White ( potraited by Jennifer Husdon )often considered the show's signature tune, describe Effie's love, both strongly devoted and defiant. She refuses to let her man leave her behind. She boldly proclaims to him, "I'm staying and you ... you're gonna love me." People might found her voice a bit annoying as she cries and cries to the very end of the song. A very,VERY strong voice which fits the song 150%..
Winning Golden Globes and nominated for 8 Oscars, can you say this is not impressive enough?
This show is the show of the year, for me.
update update : She won the best supporting actress in the Oscar.Amazing eh?
Labels: review
Oh dear Auntee
How do you react when people happily tell you they went to the swimming pool not to swim but to take a bath using the club shower room because the shower there stronger they need no to wet up their house toilet.
I don't even know what to react listening to this.
How do you react while people happily tell you they collect those biscuits and snacks that people gave them as a present during festival seasons and they gave it back to other people again some day in the futures as present.
How do you react while people happily show you the herbs they got to cure some sickness they have by free.
I don't even know what to react, and don't even know whether the herb is safe to use.
How do you react when people told you they can sleep and eat easily though they have Thyroid anad they want to save the money not going to doctor.
I don't even kow what to say, what to react and what the hell is Thyroid.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
But anyway reached home finally after staying at Aunt's house at Sungai Petani for a day. The family gathering I mentioned is disappointing at some point but still overall it's fun. Maybe we didn't see each other that much which results in the connection between some of our cousins and us faded. It's so wierd when the adults are all talking outside and 9 of us,5 of theirs and 4 of us sitting at the living room, not talking to each other. They are all busy pressing their handphones, playing games taking photos bluetoothing files and watching videos.The worst thing is even their mum joined,which left 4 of us stoning there watching them. I expected we have more stuff to talked about. They've growned up a LOT. Maybe that's why we're not as close as last time anymore while the thought of being there has changed. I missed the day while we're all still kiddy and everyone's in the mood of playing fire crackers at my house. At least we are TALKING over there you know. I wonder if they still remember that, or my name, or I am only the-one-that-played-fire-crackers-with-us-last-time-cousin which I dont' want to be. Sigh.
Shit happens on everyone.Shits.
People always have big secrets hidden inside where you will be so shocked to find out.Someday when you are talking with other people and they was like suddenly saying hey, do you know that I blahblahblahblah which your heart will stop beating for seconds listening to this. I talked with my cousins last night where we begin talking about another cousin that younger than us asking them questions about sex which I think it's good for them to ask, not that I am a pervert that interested in knowing people asked this kinda questions to me but they really don't dare to ask their parents about this questions and they really wanted to know so that they have to ask from the other people seeking for a satisfying answer.
But then we talked and the topic changed, I wonder when, to friends and stuff while they started to tell me a secret that I didn't expect to hear happens on them, which they claimed I am the first outsider to know about this.Then it reveals how scary a person can be when it comes to suspisions and expectation. Bad decisions and over protected the wrong person left the innocent one hanging around alone and all the blames were thrown on him/her, and there you are overpowering other people's life.You really can't judge book by their cover, who knows there's going to be a porn-contented-fiction-looked-cover book arranged somewhere in the fiction section in the MPH bookstore. Lame but true,Kills me. Wonder if I seriously should called you a demon, though outwardly you seriouslynot supposed to be called this way.
At somepoint I can't get over with the whole thing while deep inside my heart i get really pissed and really felt very unfair for the innocent but too bad things already happened while I did not know and I can't do anything about it.
Dear Jac,
I wish you good luck and wish that things got clearly settled someday in the future, at least don't leave it unsolved.
Labels: celebration, just now, rant, wish, wondering
Monday, February 19, 2007
You Say Because
where you can post anything on the comment side where lines started with "because."
Have fun voice out what you wanna say just because,because.
Labels: introducing, Melanie, review
Sunday, February 18, 2007
happens everytime while we're having family gathering,
while the elders chat with each other, talking about how's life or how's the children going,
Every lines of their conversation filled with sacrasm.
But anyway.
I know you all missed me but please be patient, Iam going back soon k?
Labels: celebration, just now, rant
Friday, February 16, 2007
Diesel and Oil, gimme a break
My brother can cook.
My sisters are both good in studies.
Which left down the miserable weakling here that basically blog oftenly without father's acknownledgement which summarised as "the nothing" that awaits daddy to do something on him and let him experience something. So basically dad threw me a task this evening after I played with the new doggy, with my shirts and pants full with saliva to wash.his.
Don't get me?
Oh yeah, you don't know the situation yet.
SO. Now imagine a pickup truck,
+ 3 months of dust
+ 2 litres of dark sticky black diesel oil
+ few hundred grams of dirt sands
+ muds and muds and muds.
and last but not least,
+ bird craps.
now THAT's my dad's pick up truck
which left me alone stoning at it for few minutes, jaw dropped.
Then work started roughly while I used the cloth rubbing on the door and a surge of pain fell on my right hand. After all I did the whole job single handedly. Sad.
Then the back part of the whole truck is the worst disaster EVER. You will lost your appetite just staring at it with the damn thick mud and diesel oil all over the back. I really have nil idea what or how to deal with it, until my brother stole mum's big brush for me. Brushing of those dirts is just exhausting. Then I was rubbing and rubbing and rubbing while I saw my father walked out from the house,towards me.This is it this is it, he's coming and asking me to stop and get prepare for the dinner outing soon, so he approached me and said :
"oh clean up the inside also nah."
Speechless, i tell you seriously speechless.
Luckily my brother helped me cleaned up the inside of the car while I am supposed to do the whole stuff alone. Otherwise I am the poor cinderella that awaits the fairygodmother to help me clean up the whole car and give me nice clothes and teleports me to the restaurant and join them.Somehow somepart dad's just cruel, but all over he's actually just finding some stuff for you to do so that you will not be doing nothing at home. He don't want us to kill time with internet and TV and unfortunately I am the one having these problem at home.
But still dad, your truck is just a disaster.
Washing your truck might be the last thing I ever wanna do and whoa I just did it.
So in the night while I hopped on dad's truck, mum said :
*wipe on the window*
"Oh dusty."
Eyes bulged. =)
Hi John
and met John finally.
For those people that named John too, please don't be offended. Cause he's a dog.
See you all after Chinese New Year.
Labels: just now
Thursday, February 15, 2007
In pieces.
And dear YOU :
You know what ? After I did so much for you then I realised, you don't even care about us. But I don't want to end up our friendship like this because I care about it more than anyone, any other of your friends I think. But now then I know you don't even care. So maybe I am stupid enough to trust and think that you still care of our friendship. Now it seems that you don't. I still keep the last hope in my heart and I insist not to let it go. I guess we'll see what happen soon.
Sometimes I really wish that I don't know you at the first place, at least now I don't have to worry this much on you.
Or maybe I am too perasan about us. I am too perasan that I thought I know you well but maybe I am not even close about it.
I guess we're on the same boat now, Farah.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Daughters- John Mayer
thanks Pak Lah for the wonderful recommendation
I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to seeMaybe it's got nothing to do with me
Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Oh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left
Cleaning up the mess he made
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too
Boys, you can break
You'll find out how much they can take
Boys will be strongAnd boys soldier on
But boys would be gone without the warmth from
A womans good, good heart
On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the god and the weight of her world
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too [x3]
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Double Valentine Trouble


Labels: celebration, friends, wish
Monday, February 12, 2007
Iberia nahahahahaha

This is the only cun pic I found on the web.Sorry. And yeah, we enter the room and there's only 4 of us.So I think yeah, I guess nobody is that artistic enough like us to watch this musical.And the show goes like this, there's people starting dancing and dancing and dancing.
Yes that's all about the show. and now then I think , yes we are definitely not that artistic. Smack head.
So we end up sneak into the other room, watching Stranger Than Fiction. Stranger Than Fiction is good. Seriously good. Will Farrell is good, and Emma Thompson is marvellous. Love it.
And I spent another day, not studying.Great.
Going home on Friday, skip class. again. Oh shit.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Like A Star - Corrine Bailey Rae
A nice song that you must download.MUST.
Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love you
Still i wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind
You've got this look i can't describe,
You make me feel like I'm alive,
When everything else is au fait,
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song
Oh...Your love,
Still i wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind
I have come to understand,
The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,
'cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,
I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I wont let my guard down,
To anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
Failed to type out the password correctly for, 12 times.
I am so bored.
I once checked back my archives to see things that I've posted last year. Then I know I was once desperate for real friendship. Once posted those emo posts that actually meaningless and shit.having that feeling of wanting to understand more about you and wants you to understand more about me. You get what I mean? I still can remember that night when I was walking alone to KTM on my way home I messaged Melanie and asked her :
"Mel, have you ever feel like want somebody to be your best friends or be their best friend? I am feeling like that right now. Sad eh?"
Minutes later she replied :
" Yeah I totally get you, it's like feeling of wanting to belong..."
It's kinda blurry now for me to think back what we typed in actually but that's something like this. But yeah, I once having that kind of feeling and that's the first time I get so emo in my 17 years life.
I don't know why I typed this, maybe I am bored, maybe I am topic-less, maybe I am seriously ranting. I really wanna know what makes me that desperate that time. Cause I am not now.
"Felix, you know everyone." =)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
*hinting people around me*
Just do something larh okay, just don't let the day flow off just like that.
Dating ke,
Makan ke,
Bagi coklat dan hadiah ke,
Tengok wayang ke,
Berasmara ke,
Have Sex ke,
Just, DON'T waste off the
and YorShee, sorry that I can't help anything so just tell me if you need any help okay.
yeap, mini update done.
Back to study.
Labels: celebration, mini update
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
15 Minutes of Shock, 3 minutes of tears
I was walking home with Aaron just now where me myself witnessed a handbag snatching case happened in front of ma-eyes just, like, that.
So it happened like this, where there was 3 malay ladies walking in front of us slowly with their handbag on their shoulders, 2 chinese guys behind us. We were walking at SS15,along the lane opposite KFC beside the big field on the way to Subang Jaya KTM. So there was 2 guys riding a motorcycle passed through us in front of us but none of us were awared about it cause it's normal that motorcyclists at that area riding the bike,crossing the small lane in the housing area law-less. So then Aaron and I try to walk pass the malay ladies then we heard they shouted. As we turn back we already saw the motorcyclists ran away, and there's one lady fell down on the ground and she's injured. Her ankle is bleeding and she sprained her left arm. I was seriously shocked,speechless.
Then the chinese guy told us saying the motorcyclist made a turn after they rode through them.
I freaked the fucking hell out of myself and guess what?
I called 999.
Seriously I called 999.
They failed to snatch the handbag, and I can't remember the plat number of the bike.
So there was this operator transfer my call to the Subang Jaya Police Station and I tried to describe what happened and what I saw. So guess what the policemen over there said :
"Panggil perempuan itu datang ke Polis Stesen dan report."
no seriously, WTF?
Malaysian Police. Pft. PFT PFT PFT!!
So anyway, people that reading this, especially those that staying around SS15, please be careful. Not that ask you not to go out and stay at home after class and those shit, but please just be aware of people around you.
Yappy,Elvis, take care of yourself.Get well soon.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Retard's Grad
-But think again,She's the one that taught me how to use more function of photoshop as well.Sweat.
-We watch Veronica Mars, and so far Jason Dohring is her husband."So Far"
-She used to have one boyfriend which is Hye-Sung from Shinhwa some Korean lala boyband,while she was 16.
-She cried easily.Sometimes.
-And she had her way to piss you off.
Sean : Eh tat a, have you eaten lunch already?
Me : Yes, eaten already.
Sean : Harh. Why you didn't wait for me.
Me : Aunt thought you are doing OT tonight, so she brought for me only larh.
Sean : Harh. Then you want to eat Indo Mee or not.
Me : (duh.) Dun want larh, very full arh with the zap fan Aunt packed for me.
Sean : Harh. But the Indo Me is very nice woh. Why you don't want to eat the nice Indo Mee?
Me :( getting impatient) Because I ate something else and now I am very full already ma.
Sean : Harh.But Indo Mee is very nice one woh.
Me : ( knowing that she's trying to piss me off after so many years knowing that I am the touchiest in the family, that I can get pissed off easily. I remained silent)
Sean : Harh. Why you don't want to eat? Harh ?Harh ?Harh ?Harh????
Sean : ask only ma. So angry for what. tsk tsk tsk.
Me : (seriously kena bomb badly.Zha Dou)
For those that have no idea how it's like it's Ok. and for those that get what she had inside, please times the fan-ness for few thousands times.
But still she's my cute,but old,but still cute sister larh.
Don't think I can find another person like this moron anymore in this world.

Toldcha I can't. Can you?
Love you sis.^^.
Labels: family, Love, missing you
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Spider web's growing soon
Just finished watching Veronica Mars season 1 and studied for a while.
So that's why I am here typing shit while originally my next plan after study is to do the "continue studying" thingy, but it seems that I don't like that activity much.
Feelings right now can be easily explained with 5 simple alphabets. B-O-R-E-D.
Food supply, check.
Air-conditional supply, check.
Internet connection, check.
Window Media Player, check.
MSN, check.
Homework, check.
Piano Theory, check.
I'll live. yes I will.
Labels: bored, mini update